Saturday, December 24, 2011

In time

Swirl round and round my head. 
Like wind. 
Barely touching. 
Lingering, caressing. 
Whispering now..
Yet they won't let me go. 
"In the fullness of time" they tell me, 
"Then you will know."

In and out they swirl. 
Fog taking my sight. 
I feel your words. 
Branding my heart. 
I hear your words still.
They will not let me go. 
"In the fullness of time, you will know"

Lifting my hair
Lightly kissing my neck. 
I close my eyes....
You stand there whispering. 
With a sigh....
"In the fullness of time, you will know."

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Strength Of Woman/Running Free

I did the sketch of a woman first. I kept looking at it, kept feeling the 'pull' to do a painting. The first person who saw it, knew what I wanted to say...better than I did myself :) It's about being who you are...breaking free from the chains of who society expects you to your life as art. ....
I particularly like this one. It makes me think of powerful we women are, without having to resort to anything other than what Mother Nature gave us. It's real, and naked and truthful! I love this painting! Sometimes certain paintings reach out and speak to me. This one did. Alot of times when I buy a book, I notice it because of the cover art. I've discovered alot of authors I really like that way! LOL" Kathie

Sunday, December 11, 2011


So, Dane and I were discussing 'apathy'. The conversation led to Martin Niemoller's writing...and I couldn't get it out of my mind. So I came home and wrote this.


I have seen this before, a long time ago...I never forgot it. I think it never hurts to read these things again from time to time.
Sometimes...we don't take the time to think about how things we say will affect others. Or things we write. I think this is a bigger problem these days. It's easy to say something in written word that we'd never dream of saying to someone's face. Either way...we ARE responsible for our words....Nice Matters. 

 “There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there.” A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one." 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Woman Child

The quiet, soft little girl voice begs, "Please notice me. Please love me". 

The woman voice shouts, "I am strong, I am beautiful! I will make you notice me! I will shock you and then maybe you will love me." 

The quiet little girl voice begs, "Please don't use me. Please don't lie to me. Don't walk away with my heart when you are done. Please don't leave me broken. "

The woman voice shouts, "I will behave however I choose. I will dress however I like. It's not the 50's anymore. You have to show me respect, it doesn't matter what I do. I have freedom. And you will love me, I will make certain of it!" 

The little girl voice quietly cries, "Please treat me like a lady. I only ever wanted to be loved by you. Please don't walk away. Please love me"

The woman voice screams, "I don't need you anyway! It's just sex, after all. I am a liberated woman. I can do as I please. I don't need you to open doors for me!"

The little girl quietly whispers, "I only wanted you to carry me into our castle, to love and cherish me forever, like you promised. "

"And then I became a woman. I became everything the world said I should be. And I am alone. I am a woman, trying to behave like a man. Which is a terrible waste of a woman."

When I painted this I called it "Anxiety" , but that was really not right...I poured so much into it, so much more than that. At the time, I was having a lot of anxiety issues, but that stemmed from dealing with so many different things. A couple of my friends read it and the following is what this painting said to them...and I was moved to tears, because they 'got' it! 

Kelly...." My interpretation.... it is symbolic of you. flowing hair means and the peace symbol near your visionary eye depict you are peaceful and reflective person. Your eyes are closed and the abstract art we see is what is in your mind at this moment and shows us the many things you see in the world deeper than the surface of what they appear to be and value the difference in each. The lady is of yourself, and no bra with open shoulder top shows you enjoy your freedom sexually and your boobies not being symmetric symbolize that you do not see yourself as being perfect and you are ok with that. Your crossed arms show how you feel content with both your securities and insecurities. Your red lipstick and finger nails are a way saying that as peaceful as you appear, you have passion and lust for sensual pleasure of human body."

Kathie...."I got Tension and a feeling of push/pull from this before I even looked at the title! You certainly are an expressive artist! I feel it..

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Corridors of Madness

I wrote the following one day because I couldn't NOT write it. I was recently deeply hurt by someone. Ah, but we've all been hurt many times, haven't we? It think it is more devastating to me, when it is by someone I called friend. And the hurt comes more from an overwhelming disappointment than anything else. You lose not only a lover..but a very good friend.  Only sometimes we 'read' people the way we want to believe they are, and while we listen to what they say...sometimes we don't really hear the words. Because people tell us who they are all the time. Whether we listen or not..can be our downfall. . 
Corridors of Madness 

Sometimes we get drawn into the corridors of madness
In someone else’s mind. 

Moaning, screaming, corridors of madness…
You feel the pull of your rational mind, 
Pleading with you not to go inside, to resist the morbid temptation…
But you can’t resist the corridors of madness
In someone else’s mind. 

Things there that you’ve never seen
Things that you’ve never felt, unheard of , never done.
You’ll just have a tiny peek..won’t venture too far..
Into the twisting, vibrating, pulsing corridors of madness
In someone else’s mind. 

You begin to believe things you can never believe. 
You begin to see things that you can never see. 
Things that change you, mold you, shape you, twist you into someone you don’t recognize 
Because you are traveling in the corridors of madness
In someone else’s mind. 

The corridors envelope you , a foggy, misty veil. They tell you it‘s all right. 
You will be happy now. 
You believe. You substitute fantasy for reality.
Until they slam then door and you are trapped. 
In the corridors of madness. 
In someone else’s mind. 

You gasp for breath. You run, but the madness tangles your legs. 
You feel sanity slipping gently from your fingers. 
You struggle. Fighting to free yourself. 
Almost too late you realize what a dangerous place. 
The corridors of madness
In someone else’s mind. 

The madness lures you, seduces you, fills you with such longing
That is never fully satisfied. 
It gives you a tiny taste of all the things you ever dreamed of..
Only to tempt you to give yourself more and more. 
Because that is the purpose. 
To break you, take all that is good from you. 
It’s so very difficult to free yourself
From the corridors of madness
In someone else’s mind. 

You find one last surge of strength…and break free from the tangled madness. 
You look back in fear and deep dark sadness…
Push the door open! Push it, hurry!! 
Kick the hollow bodies out of the way, Run, run hard for freedom!!! 
Beautiful sunlight ,fresh air fills your being with an all-consuming wind that 
Swirls around you from your feet, slowly up your body, gently lifting your hair. 
Like a lover’s caress. 
Take deep breaths and face the sun. Warming your face…the gentle lapping of the river on the banks, calls you to cleanse yourself. 
Despite yourself, you look back, 
Smiling a bittersweet smile as the door slams closed.
You bow your head for just a moment of sorrow. 
As you look up..forward again…
Love, light and warmth fills your soul.
You are free from the corridors of madness. 
In someone else’s mind.

Michelle Carney
Scarlett Butterfly