Sunday, December 4, 2011

Woman Child

The quiet, soft little girl voice begs, "Please notice me. Please love me". 

The woman voice shouts, "I am strong, I am beautiful! I will make you notice me! I will shock you and then maybe you will love me." 

The quiet little girl voice begs, "Please don't use me. Please don't lie to me. Don't walk away with my heart when you are done. Please don't leave me broken. "

The woman voice shouts, "I will behave however I choose. I will dress however I like. It's not the 50's anymore. You have to show me respect, it doesn't matter what I do. I have freedom. And you will love me, I will make certain of it!" 

The little girl voice quietly cries, "Please treat me like a lady. I only ever wanted to be loved by you. Please don't walk away. Please love me"

The woman voice screams, "I don't need you anyway! It's just sex, after all. I am a liberated woman. I can do as I please. I don't need you to open doors for me!"

The little girl quietly whispers, "I only wanted you to carry me into our castle, to love and cherish me forever, like you promised. "

"And then I became a woman. I became everything the world said I should be. And I am alone. I am a woman, trying to behave like a man. Which is a terrible waste of a woman."

When I painted this I called it "Anxiety" , but that was really not right...I poured so much into it, so much more than that. At the time, I was having a lot of anxiety issues, but that stemmed from dealing with so many different things. A couple of my friends read it and the following is what this painting said to them...and I was moved to tears, because they 'got' it! 

Kelly...." My interpretation.... it is symbolic of you. flowing hair means and the peace symbol near your visionary eye depict you are peaceful and reflective person. Your eyes are closed and the abstract art we see is what is in your mind at this moment and shows us the many things you see in the world deeper than the surface of what they appear to be and value the difference in each. The lady is of yourself, and no bra with open shoulder top shows you enjoy your freedom sexually and your boobies not being symmetric symbolize that you do not see yourself as being perfect and you are ok with that. Your crossed arms show how you feel content with both your securities and insecurities. Your red lipstick and finger nails are a way saying that as peaceful as you appear, you have passion and lust for sensual pleasure of human body."

Kathie...."I got Tension and a feeling of push/pull from this before I even looked at the title! You certainly are an expressive artist! I feel it..

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